Posts tagged with "network switch"
Switch · 14. November 2017
Network switch, a box-shaped device, plays an important role in a network deployment. To achieve high network performance, a suitable switch is required. There are smart managed switch and unmanaged switch on the market. How much do you know about them? Smart managed switch vs. unmanaged switch, which one should you choose for your network deployment? Keep reading, and you will find the answer.
Switch · 09. November 2017
If your laptop has built-in fan, you must have gone through such experience: when your laptop has been working for a long time, it will be heating. Then, you may start the fan to cool your laptop down. However, there will be noise. So does network switch. Compared with other optical components, network switch is larger. And ongoing work will cause overheating. Therefore, many network switches are designed with fans and very noisy. Is there any solution that is the best of both worlds? The...